Premier Paving & Tiles

Laying Natural Stones

Lay a suitable sub-base material such as a crushed hardcore well compacted onto the subgrade. This is followed by a 30-50mm laying course of concrete made up of 4 parts sharp sand and 1 part cement. All natural stone must be laid on a full bed of concrete that supports the whole stone.

Before laying the natural stone an application of primer to the underside will improve adhesion. Carefully lay the natural stone and tap into place with a rubber mallet to the correct level. Place the next stone with an adequate joint and continue with the appropriate laying pattern. Avoid cross joints when laying. NB: as with all natural stone the top is the widest surface. Lay full natural stones first and complete the cuts at the end. After a few days, the joints can be pointed with a mortar made up of 4 parts washed sharp sand to 1 part cement. Alternatively, joints can be filled using jointing compound which is an all-weather brush-in, naturally coloured sand compound. Consideration can be given to using grout where narrow joints of 10mm or less are used.

All natural stones are designed to be laid with joints. All cement and grout stains on the face must be washed off immediately or the flagstones will be permanently stained. The use of acids to clean off mortar or other stains is not recommended as it can have a detrimental effect on the product.

Laying Porcelain

Porcelain paving tiles can be laid similar to natural stones. However, most importantly, a suitable slurry primer is necessary and must be applied to the reverse of each tile prior to laying to achieve full adhesion. Without this coating, adhesion of the tile may fail. Preferably, the porcelain paving tiles can be laid onto a concrete base using porcelain adhesive.

As the porcelain paving tiles are extremely hard, they must be cut with water-fed continuous rim diamond tipped cutting disc. Minimum joint width is 3mm. The joints must be impermeable and this can be achieved by using porcelain grout.

As there may be slight colour variations in manufacturing, please ensure tiles are supplied from similar batches. When laying, you are recommended not to stagger the rectangular tiles by more than 60-100mm.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


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